Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Textbook Analogy !!

Someone very dear to me was a little confused regarding her current status in life... and not to mention a few other interesting propositions that came her way that increased her confusion... So on one of her sleepless nights she confined in me and for one reason or another I didn't want to stick to the safe, conventional answer of "do what feels right" or "I can't say coz u know ur situation better" or any of that running away cr*p.. and I was seriously sick of giving mature, reasonable and proper advice, coz frankly I've given up on myself let alone spread my orthodox "the right thing to do" attitude to the ppl I love... so I improvised... on the spot I made up some lame analogy that ironically made sense...

Please don't hate me, it's totally not the way I think, but exactly the way I wish i did :P not... anyways it's just for laughs...

The Textbook analogy
me: what's ur priority in life right now ?
her: studies (I instantly get an image of textbooks in my head)
me: ok so worry about that now and we'll take it step by step from there.. but I'm here if you need anything.
her: thanks sweetie
me: besides treat them like textbooks, (this applies to ladies and gents) when the time declares it you attain them. You use them for the time needed then you have the following options :

1. Return them, sell them or throw them.. i.e: u used them for a purpose, got what you needed and have no more use for them.
2. Shelve them, you don't want to let go of them in case of future reference, so they're in close proximity; yet, at a decent distance.
3. Keep them, the books u love, can't live without, will need everyday for the rest of ur life, place them on ur nightstand or under ur pillow for safe keeping...

This analogy applies to everyone.. not only couples, crushes... but even friends and colleagues... seriously it does make sense...

But not with me... you know why ?? I've never thrown a book in my life !! I have all the books I've owned since Fairytales for 6 year olds :P seriously !!! and planning to build my own in house library too !! :P

So any good analogies out there ??
Plzzzz be as blunt, nasty, cruel and ridiculous as you like :)


Anonymous said...

I don't see why you expect anyone to be blunt, nasty, cruel or ridiculous. What you said makes perfect sense, to me at least. I haven't thrown any books either :/ Have thrown away a lot of people. So if I start treating people like books, I'm going to have a lot of excess baggage in storage.

Hmmmmmm....let me think about that and come back to you!

Anonymous said...


Life is like a box of chocolates?


Sara7a I read the damn note which says which is which before I pick. Dunno what that says about me.

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY true ... !

DiiGMaa said...

DR: I'm so glad there's someone that thinks I'm logical :) Thanx Boo..& Yeah I gotta lotta exceess baggage if u know what I'm getting at :P

Miya : I envy u.. I only do that with Meds :P otherwise I'm a risk taker in eveything.. and hence my problem is simply diving without testing waters !!! I can be rather daft at times... but atleast I don't have a sweet tooth :P

Pieces of me: if we followed this way of thinking we'ld be very happy folks u and me :P what was that song ??

Anonymous said...

Diigmaa.. good advice.. good fro someone who made it on the spot.. i dont follow how we can shelf our crushes though.. i feel its bit mean to keep the ppl ile not sure about hanging.. its eiher u are in my bookshelf or ur out honey.. but thats boys..

books much better than boys.. their good advice and information u carry with u .. the boys u carry the heartbreak..

DiiGMaa said...

Beyond q8iya: true.. who wants more heart break !!